Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Our family has two Thanksgivings.  On Thursday, Julie works at the hospital so she can be off at Christmas with the Adorables.  This gives everyone a chance to have Thanksgiving dinner with the other side of their various families.  This year my sister and her friend are coming for a non-Thanksgiving dinner of roast beef, fresh creamed corn, butternut squash soup, and asparagus.  Jordan may drop by with the children after he has visited his dad's family dinner (but I doubt they will sample the asparagus!).

Our second Thanksgiving is on Saturday, when we will all go to my sister's house and enjoy the larger family there.  There is a tractor show and auction nearby, and while the men are cavorting there, the women play catch-up at my sister's house and get the table ready for mid-day dining.  This year, Billy is not able to prepare the huge meal he normally slaves over, and we are all bringing a dish or two.  I look forward to seeing what shows up!

How nice it is to be twice reminded of the blessings of family and food.  Life is good.

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