Thursday, June 16, 2011

Adorables Sleep-Over

Yes, finally it happened— after almost a month of dry weather, last evening brought rain and thunder and lightning with high winds, and the Adorables, who are both frightened at the sound of thunder, spent the night with us!  Ethan, now three and a half, got up just after I'd gone to bed, and needed to be held for more than an hour.  He asked questions about thunder, lightning, where the thunder lived, what Mr. Thunder's house was like . . . .

Finally, I had to crawl into his bed with him to get him to sleep even a little bit.  This was no small trick, since his bed is the air mattress on the floor of one of the bedrooms!

The puzzle is how Bethy managed to sleep through all the booming and bright flashes of light.  She is usually quite sensitive to the thunder.  Not that I am complaining.  What would I have done with two little ones awake and scared in the middle of the night?  Charles, an indulgent grandparent, is a grump when his sleep is disturbed.  No help there!

About 3:30 a.m. I managed to crawl out of Ethan's bed.  It took almost a half hour to do this.  I have never been so happy to fall into my own bed!  Then, just before 6:30, Ethan was up.  He called for "CHUCK!!!" at the top of his voice, then walked into our room and looked me right in the eye and said he wanted me UP.  NOW.  I heard Charles chuckle beside me.  Bethy added to the swelling ranks of the bedroom.  "All right.." I looked at Charles.  "But when Grandma gets up, e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y gets up."

But the fun did not stop there.  There was the bath after breakfast.  I managed to find bubble bath and Johnson's Baby Shampoo for The Event, unrolled the bath mat, and when the tub was full of children and soapy cloths, I turned on the bath jets.  There was laughter, mounds of bubbles, splashed water— there has never been so much action in my bath!

To clean their hair was the problem, as I cannot bend over a tub for more than a minute.  In the end, I simply put them in the shower and I, fully clothed, sat down on the bench and used the hand-held spray to wash and clean the soap out of their hair.  When we got out it was hard to understand how I could be the wettest of the three.

Their mom, Julie, will come and have lunch with us, and when she leaves, this house will be sooooo quiet!  Too quiet!

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