Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February Is Rolling Along

Since Thanksgiving I have been cleaning out and sorting in the studio.  This is meant to be a thoughtful clean-out, where I open boxes or drawers and handle things (some I haven't seen for years!) and make decisions about how this may or may not fit in my future studio plans.  Things that are lovely and useful, though not what I am interested in (or need) anymore, I put aside for the Etsy Shop.  Unfortunately, what is happening is that as I pull things out they start talking to me, and the sorting stops while I sit and work with them.  I have several small pieces that have come from this clean-out!

This is the curse of the tactile person.

Things that are too heavy to ship out, I am offering to my grandchildren's art teacher (whom they really love).  Things too esoteric for elementary schoolers are for my FreeStyle group next week.  But, this is such a small amount of stuff!

I decided I would use my sketchbook and work on putting ideas there instead of stopping all progress by beginning projects.  Well, that was a bit of tom foolery-- I simply made more fuel to fan the flames, filling page after page, starting a new book, working out the details of a stitchery and then sweeping out a spot on the work table and-- yes:  starting a new little project.

Yesterday I sorted a foot-high stack of fabrics I had painted, dyed, discharged, printed.  Some are colored from several processes . . .  and some are small pieces left-over from other projects.  Of course, I set right to work with a little stack I had pulled out for myself.  There was a small Etsy pile (not nearly large enough), and I am going straight out there this morning and go through that stack again with the shop in mind.

This is where I need people.  My people would take me firmly in hand and say, "We'll handle this for you.  Go inside and have some tea.  We'll show you the results in an hour."

People--- where are you?????

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