Monday, September 14, 2020

Asks and Answers: Revisions

Asking the question is a way of framing the thing you are trying to understand, the problem to be solved, or, simply, to get a clearer image of something you haven't done before. Finding answers begins when you gather materials and begin to sample the possibilities. Since late winter, I have been asking and examining solutions. In going through boxs of older work, I found several pieces that triggered another respons, and two I had originally thought to be completed are now quite altered. The original of "16 Days in May" was done quickly, as a sketch diary of May, about two or three years ago:
The revision, completed in the spring, shows more detail, more reflection:
The second piece is called "Modern Choices." It was a response to a long day of having to figure out technology and social media issues, then the grocery store with its plethora of choices-- it was a jarring, uncomfortable day of questioning everything. First iteration:
I put it away, thinking I had rid myself of a lot of angst by making this (over about a week or so), and that would be that.  But when I came across it recently, I saw it in light of the COVID year.  Lockdowns meant we have become more dependent on media for even small things, and with a page of choices staring me in the face, I was asking questions again.  The revision, which did not add questions, changed the color of two questions and added lighter background highlights:
But this is not enough.  There is more to be said, more background to add to the maze of continual choices and uncertainties of results, so I am taking it up again.  Asking questions is good. Getting new answers is even better.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Wow! Very thought provoking. And lovely.