Sunday, March 13, 2011

Garden Weekend I, 2011

Well, I know now how the Thyme and Scotch Moss will make its way from container to spaces between stones of the patio:  Charles.  I got started with him, but he outlasted me.  After dragging me up from the ground once, I found ways to do "upright" jobs while he dug out and set the plugs of thyme.  We got about a third of the way through the process with a dozen 3" pots, so we're searching for more (we cleared the shelf at Autumn Hill yesterday).  It is to rain tomorrow, so we'll do our hunter-gathering in preparation for the next dry day.

Our birdbath crashed last year, and our bird visitors have given us accusatory looks, so a new bird spa is on the list, along with the Thyme and Scotch Moss.

We have buckets and buckets of orange day lilies to spread amongst friends and family.  They obscure the azaleas, and are on the fast track to Never-Never-Again Land.  Drop me a line and let me know how many you would like (free delivery on orders of 50 or more).

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