Monday, March 14, 2011

Georgia Gardening Explained

This is Georgia.  Even though we are north of Atlanta, it is still Georgia, which means we have until the end of May or maybe first of June (if we have a cool, long Spring) to get everything done, or we'll die of heat exhaustion by procrastinating.  So any hopes of a beautiful Summer garden start and end here, in the Spring months..

We dug Day Lilies today and took two and a half wheelbarrows full of the little green darlings to Julie and Jordan.  We showed up at their front door in old clothes and garden gloves and explained that we had arrived to put in Day Lilies for them.  Jordan looked from Charles to me and back and then called to Julie (smart guy; I raised him juuuuust right!).  They both offered to help, but we had not meant to interrupt their lunch and change their day's plans.  We could have just dropped of the plants, but that would have been to give them another job they don't have the time to finish.  We, on the other hand, have the time and some smattering of interest in planting.

In another three wheelbarrows, I will have the Day Lilies out of the upper terrace, or at least the part where the lavender will be planted, and the bed that we've begun to fill at son's house will be done.  I caught Charles on his knees this afternoon praying for rain tomorrow, so we may be delayed a bit.

When the perennials are in the ground, I can start on the containers.  Charles doesn't moan so much about my container garden habit.

Next is to finish my list for a long and serious trip to the nursery.  We have kept my Ford pick-up truck expressly for moments like this!

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