Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haircut Day

This is the picture that precipitated a great need (on my part) for a hair cut.

Cynthia took the photo when we visited Julie and Jordan last Thursday. We were having quite a tickle session as we played "This Little Piggy Went To Market" with Ethan's bare toes.

With this picture in mind, Charles and I went early Monday morning to the little hair cuttery not far from the house, and as we sat waiting to be called, I saw this darling little boy walking to the door with his mother-- our daughter-in-law, Julie, with Ethan! Today was his haircut day, as well! Unplanned, and a delightful meeting it was.

Ethan loves having his hair cut. Even the buzzing of the trimmer doesn't annoy him. Have you ever seen a 2 1/2 year old run to the chair and climb right on up, delighted to be getting a cut and trim? Julie took this photo of him:

I am never that enthusiastic. To alleviate my anxiety, I let the stylists do whatever they think is best. Having a preference and being disappointed afterwards is simply more angst to manage. After all, it will eventually grow out! At the end of things, Ethan and Grandma were pretty well shorn:

And today, when I stepped out of the shower and didn't have to do anything more than towel-dry my hair, I wondered why I hadn't done this a long, long time ago!

1 comment:

RagJó said...

Great story Nancy :-) Oh your adorable little angels! I started giggling too, just by looking at the photos, their faces are all lit up by the fun you are all having.
Hope you are all doing well, thinking of you often.
Love and hugs