Saturday, January 15, 2011

Itty-Bitty Houses

When Charles brought a box to the studio and said he'd just found it, I had no idea it would be filled with some very interesting pieces of fabric.  It has been downstairs for over a year, marked as something else entirely.  One of the fabrics is a piece of Swiss cotton gauze, delicate and very, very sheer.  This became the idea for the Itty Bitty Houses.

The houses are constructed in layers, again, but not embroidered so heavily as their larger siblings.  The topmost layer is the Swiss gauze, but beneath are pale linens, silks, tea-dyed napkin scraps and/or vintage lace, and each of the doors is a finger snipped from an old glove.  The edges are raveled in keeping with my thoughts about the necessity (or lack of it) of hiding beautiful raw edges.

House 1:  A house for lovers

House 2:  A house for dreamers

House 3:  A house for growing old together


RagJó said...

Happy New Year!! Love your houses Nancy!
Finally after all this time I posted a tiny little message with a photo on my blog. I really want to start blogging again.
Glad to see so many fun, beautiful and intersting blogs on your page :-)
Lots of Love from Iceland

Cynthia Patrick said...

What an interesting contrast to your other houses! These are so delicate and really do "draw you in" like you said. You're an inspiration! :)