Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Might Of The Laptop!

Unbelievable!  Here I am in the living room posting to my blog, just like a real 21st Century person.  I feel I have shed my medieval garb, and have gone from flowing robes and braided coif to mini skirt and punk hair, all in a single morning.

Charles so kindly purchased, and Jordan so kindly spent hours in setting up this marvelous link with the world.  I feel a little as if I have just been invited to drive a powerful new Porsche, and the engine is throbbing with impatience as I crawl down the driveway and creep onto the street, not quite sure of how to shift into low gear . . .

There are "Universal Symbol" keys aligned along the top row, and I have to smile at the misnomer.  Universal to whom?  Fortunately, if I push one key and it does strange things, I can push the key a second time and it un-stranges everything.  And the tracker pad replaces a mouse, but by swiping with one, two, or three fingers, you can scroll or enlarge or squeeze the image size.  Mercy!  Has Apple ever had such an awed and ancient user?

Now, to think of a way to get to the studio with the laptop, a cup of tea, a small basket of threads, my long grabber tool, and manage the walker, too.  The rain makes it tricky.

Wish me luck as I leap into this new world.  Charles and Jordan may have created a white-haired monster.  What if I insist on being given an i-phone for my birthday?  I keep seeing young people swiping their i-phones to get information from them, and I'm practicing my swiping as we speak.  Ah, such grace is possible here . . .

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