Friday, September 17, 2010

The Walker and I

I never thought I would use a walker.  Walkers are practically a fashion accessory of elderly women.  Today, however, when I could not stagger through the house and keep my balance even with my cane, I thought I'd give the walker a little whirl.  Just try it out.  See if it was really a wonderful option . . . .

Guess what?  It IS wonderful.  I actually walk in a straight line, now, and maybe a bit faster than the old cane-dependent Nancy.  Best of all, I don't list to one side like a ship taking on water, so I feel better.

Oh, well.  I guess my newest fashion accessory is Charles' walker.  Maybe I could crochet a little scarf for it, or knit booties . . .

1 comment:

Cynthia Patrick said...

Enjoy it while you can! After surgery you're going to be running laps around your studio! :)