Sunday, October 31, 2010

Home Again

When you have been away from home, your perspective of that place changes.  I have had complete hip replacement that has altered my life.  I can walk without pain for the first time in seven years.  My yard and garden will not be off limits to me much longer.  I look forward to walking up and down stairs again.  In the next week I will begin re-assembling my kitchen as well as setting up a play and craft area for my grandchildren in the room where I will spend a lot of my rehabilitation.

And I have had some empowering experiences.  I had lost 1/2" of height through the progression of the disease in my hip over the years.  My surgeon restored that balance between the length of my legs, which means I should walk upright again, without listing to one side or the other and causing further damage to my lumbar.  How intricately intertwined our body parts are!  And the home is just as intricately involved with its own parts.

Home was much more beautiful this morning, my husband more dear.  My son and daughter-in-law and their two children came for a visit that brightened my spirits, and I realized as they were leaving that there is no way to separate any of these deep relationships without everything suffering, impossible to repair.  How marvelous interdependency is!

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